Employment Advisory
If you are looking for a job in Canada, you have come to the right place! Over 1900 designated employers in Canada are looking to hire foreign nationals with varied levels of experience in different industries. Our team comprises of expert recruitment advisors to guide you through the entire process to start a new career in Canada.
Currently, there are no job boards that list job vacancies by Canadian employers who are particularly looking for International talent. Likewise, there isn't any database where employers can easily find Internationally skilled workforce. The lack of readily and easily available international resources and difficulty in marketing these job openings outside of Canada pose a significant challenge to Canadian employers.
Westleaf’s core mission is to bridge this ever widening gap. Each day, we are making it increasingly simple for Canadian employers to find the right international talent and that could be you! Join us in this mission!
Here is an overview of our Process:
a. Please email your Cover Letter and Resume to: info@westleafco.com
- Cover Letter should include a quick summary of your work experience including industry and years of experience and your preferred start date for employment.
- Resume should not include any pictures.
- Subject line should read: EMPLOYMENT IN CANADA
b. Once we review your application, we will put you on the forefront for these employers to view your resume for any potential job openings for which international talent is being considered.
Resume & Cover Letter Services:
Revamp your resume and cover letter - make it look powerful ! We like to coin the term "Canadianize Your Resume". Leverage our experts in drafting Resumes & Cover Letters. Our team has several years of experience in the Canadian job market and know exactly what it takes to help you get noticed by Canadian employers. We recommend this service before you email us your resume for being considered for employment.
Our Process:
a. Email your resume with contact information to: info@westleafco.com
c. We will call you for a consultation.